For a 20-gallon NPK liquid fertilizer, higher light tank dosing would be as follows:
Who needs GH booster:
The addition of GH booster to NPK aquarium fertilizer is necessary if you do not have very hard water. Adding some GH booster is also suggested if you have hard water but do not know the concentration of both calcium and magnesium.
Why is GH booster suggested when using liquid NPK:
GH booster will add magnesium and calcium as well as add extra potassium, which is all very important to plant growth.
Do I need to add extra iron to liquid NPK fertilizer products?
For most tanks, the iron that is already included in the Liquid M will be enough. Some high light, high co2 tanks however will require more iron. If that is the case, Liquid Iron is a great choice.
Full EI levels: 1 pump of each bottle per 10 gallons 3x per week. For lower light/lower tech tanks: 1 pump per 20 gallons 3x per week
Liquid NPK is tailored to the EI dosing method and it includes micro and macronutrients for plants. This NPK aquarium fertilizer can be adapted to other dosing techniques as well. Bottles are 500ml each and will last more than 41 weeks on a 20-gallon tank dosing 3x per week.